Welcome To My Home Page
Hi, and welcome to my web site. My name is Michelle Madsen, and I am a Psychic and Spiritual teacher, Clairvoyant, I have many psychic abilities that I call on with this work. There are many things that you will be able to look at on my web site. Take a look at My ABOUT ME PAGE, it tells you a bit about my book, why I wrote and how to purchase it of me. I have added a few letters and e-mails I have received from people who have enjoyed also.
WHATS NEWS PAGE will tell you where and when I going to be in New Zealand with dates and places I'll be visting.
A bit of Histroy about me.
I have been working for about 15 years now. I first started holding peoples jewellery while doing Psychometry. I change doing this quite by accident when I visited a friend and she had a pack of tarot cards and was trying to read for another friend. I just knew what the message was by just looking at these cards. From there I brought myself a pack and continue to read them. Its wasnt till about five years later I leant the meaning of each card. In 1996 I wrote for the Northern Spiritual News, answering letters from people wanting to learn more about their spiritual paths. 1997 I was ask to work on our local radio show and it became undated with callers that I ended up being the Radio Clairvoyant for an hour every Tuesday morning. At the end of 1998 I started writing my book Simplicity. I started writing it mainly for the people who came to my workshops, but it grew into my book Simplicity. So throughout those years I did readings and workshops, etc. I look back now, and think how did I manage to do all those things while bring up a young family. 1999 my book was printed and I had to stop the radio and writing for the Northern Spiritual News, to concentrate on my book.
News Letter.
20TH October 2004.
Thought its time to let you all know what I’ve been up to and what’s been happening, and ask some of you for your input.
It’s has been a good, but funny year with lots of personal things going on. I’ve been back down to the South Island in June, and round the Coromandal Area, and I’ve just come back from Brisbane last week.
But the main good news is that I meet with an Australian Publisher while I was in Brisbane to discuss my new book called Simplicity in Spirit. And Yes, Joshua Books are going to publish it, and it should be out on the selves in February, March! It will be available here in New Zealand, Australia and USA.
I’m now looking forward to writing my next book, which is going to be about a better understanding of passing over, with such topics as: The otherside, (of course!) Love, God, How Love continues with our loved ones passed. Living through the loss with a better understanding. The Astral body and soul, and how we continue on the otherside. Signs of loved ones visiting. How to communicate soul to soul. Tunnel of light, how our master guide step through with us, understanding souls path, Why some soul get stuck, and how we can help a loved one, etc. There is so much on this subject that I’m looking forward to write about, I’ve got a big list of topics.
I have no idea on what the tittle should be, I would like "Simplicity" to be still part of the wording. Any suggestion please.
So I’m having some time at home for a while which I am looking forward too. Which is good for those of you that have been trying to get a hold of me for a reading, as I will be doing phone readings. To make your appointment you can ring 021-388-506, or 09 4331568. I’m also in Whangarei generally on a Wednesday or Thursday for readings.
God bless.
Michelle Madsen.
Rd 1, Kaikohe.
09 4331568 or 021 388 506.
To oders your book SIMPLICITY send 15-00 plus 2-00 for postage, total of 17-00 too:
send to M. Madsen
Rd1 Kaikohe